Cindy Bidar – Funnel Building Checklist

About the course: 

“Cindy Bidar – Funnel Building Checklist” – Look, I appreciate a good checklist as much as the next guy. Keeps you organized, right? But when it comes to building online funnels, it’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal.

Here’s what I’d need to see before I’d trust a checklist with my business:

  • Beyond the Basics: Forget the generic “build an email list” and “drive traffic to a landing page” stuff. Give me the advanced tactics for segmenting my audience, optimizing conversions, and maximizing customer lifetime value.
  • Specific to My Niche: A funnel for selling digital products is a whole different beast than one for local services or e-commerce. This checklist better be tailored to my specific industry and business model.
  • Actionable Steps, Not Just Buzzwords: Don’t just throw around marketing jargon like “retargeting” and “sales funnels” without explaining how to actually implement them effectively. Give me clear, actionable steps that I can put into practice.

Platforms like Turbocourses often offer these kinds of marketing resources, but remember, building a successful funnel takes more than just checking boxes. You gotta be willing to put in the work, test and optimize, and constantly adapt to the ever-changing online landscape.

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